Fayetteville, North Carolina
Picking a favorite event is sort of like picking a favorite child, you can’t and you shouldn’t…BUT, Fort Bragg was our very first Thanking Our Troops through Tennis event in 2013. Saturday marked our THIRD event there! While I would never say Ft. Bragg is our favorite, because they’re all incredible, it does hold a special place in our hearts.
Our first event back in 2013 was especially memorable because of the torrential downpours that forced us indoors to the Ritz-Epps Physical Fitness Center. The second event in 2014 was memorable because of the record high temperatures accompanied by unreal humidity. Our most recent and third event will stand out in my mind because it felt like coming home. There were so many familiar faces and return appearances! Jackie Thomas is our Go-To contact at Ft. Bragg and I swear she is my sister separated at birth. Jackie is one of the most positive and tireless people I know. Thank you Chica, as long as you and Ft. Bragg will have us, we will return.
Mario Wozniak, how incredible are you? You stayed a few extra days and camped out on a friend’s couch just so you could help us with the event. Your family had already transferred to Columbus, Georgia and you stayed. Wow! And now thanks to you, we have a contact at Ft. Benning. The T3 family is quickly spreading out all over the United States thanks to the efforts of people like Mario. xox
When Dickie first got the idea for T3, he ran it past my brother, Colonel Frank de Carvalho. Over Christmas dinner in 2012, the two hashed out a plan, and Frank got working on it when he returned to Ft. Bragg in the new year. Because of his efforts, T3 was able to launch our first test event at Ft. Bragg and the rest is history. Thank you Frank. He and his girls Alexis and Noe spent the day on the courts… we even got Col. Frank to hit a few balls with Dick! Dinner at Camp de Carvalho was delicious and fun as always. Thanks Wendy.
T3 is a family event, and we are so lucky that my parents, Jaime and Dawn are able to accompany us almost everywhere we go. Jaime is one of the most popular pros on the court, and Dawn is never far behind, making sure all the kids know the proper mechanics of the serve. Thanks Meems and Poppy. xoxo
HotChoklit or Mark Wirth and his crew always make the events so much fun. We cannot thank you all enough for making the drive, bringing the delicious snacks (Mark) and for your tireless hours on the court.
Thank you Michelle Benson for keeping everything running smoothly and for making sure we all knew what to do, where to go and when. I sincerely hope that wreath made it to your front door and that it fit!
We cannot thank the pros enough. Once again we were honored to have the great and amazing JoAnne Russell. Every one of the teaching pros brings to the table so many wonderful qualities. I learn new things each time I step on the court to force water on someone, or to take a picture. Thank you all!
A special shout out goes to Ellen Stone. Thank you so much for making the trip out to Bragg and for all that you do for us. You are special in so many ways.
So here is the official thank you list:
James Arceneaux, Francie Barrigan, Randy Bridgman, Jeff Cato, Dawn de Carvalho, Jaime de Carvalho, Mike Farley, Brian Paley, JoAnne Russell, Mark Wirth.
Thank you to the support staff as well: Cristin Perry (USO- our wonderful partner from Day One) and Lindsey Fischetti (WFC Director).
Thank you to the USO of North Carolina and the Ft. Bragg Club for providing lunch.
If I’ve accidentally left anyone off, please forgive me. I promise you it was not my intention and I will add your name. Just send me a message via the website.
Cheers until our next event!
See the rest of the pictures below!
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