

Thank You to our Donors

2015 Great Charity Challenge Jill Gill Our Day Farm
234 Trading Technology, Inc. Tim Goodale Jason Palmateer
Abele Family Fund Gwendolyn Gosney Patricia Patterson
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Barry Gleichenhaus Mary Ann Peppard
Ward N. Adkins, Jr. The Grand Slam Tennis League Pershing Square Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Foundation Kathy and Donald Gray Ira Peskowitz
Paul Anton Bob Green Rocky Powell
Alzheimer’s Association (Rochester Chapter) The Robert and Lynne Grossman Family Foundation Q Consulting LLC
AR Building Company, Inc. Halcyon Fund of Triangle Community Foundation Michael Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Arndt James Harbridge Evan Ratner
The Arnhold Foundation Sam Harris Dr. Brad Reese
ATP Tour Charities, Inc. John R. Hauge Robert E. Reimer
Charlie Auerbach Linda Hartz Jamie Resor
Andrej Avelini Kelly Hiser Jack Richards
Pat Balis Interiors Gene R. Hoffman Robert M. Riggs
The Bank of America Charitable Fund Willy Hoffmann Dr. Eric W. Robbins
Ronald Bartlett Hoffman Fund Fred Robinson
John M. Barletta Homestead Funding Corporation Phil Rockwell
The Batchelor Foundation Dr. Matt Horn Howard Rogg
Mark Baus Patricial Horn Robert C. Rohdie
Chuck Beckner Tony Huber Barbara Rohdie
Marion Bell John Hughes Rick Rosen
The Bellagio Club Hugh Hyde, Jr. Rosen Law Firm
Meryl Berliner Imaging Service & Supply, Inc. Rosen and Associates
Stephen Berliner Jacks Piggy Bank Dr. & Mrs. Barry Rosenberg
Donna A. Bernstein Howard S. Jacobs Barbara Rosenbaum
Samuel J. Bernstein Family 2011 Irrevocable Trust Michael Jaffe Donna Roup
Berry Family Foundation Rita Ann Jana Dr. Steven Sacks
John and Sherry Berry Fund Jerry Jasinowski Don Sagner
The George and June Block Family Foundation The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles David J. Sakmyster
Steven Boe James E. Johnson, Jr. SBA Network Services, LLC
John Bonner Stephen Kane Bruce Sauer
Elizabeth Bradley Trust 3 Dorothy Karp Stephen Scheer
Rich Brail H. L. Kartiganer Florence Hessen Scher
Brazelton Family Foundation Dr. David Kartzinel Steve Schott
Dr. & Mrs. Marc D. Brown Iris and Saul Katz Family Foundation, Inc. Ann Schroeder
Bth Corporation Jennifer Kean Jayson Schwartz
Keith Butterfield Jeanette Keener Lewis Schwartz
Dana Caledonia Mike Kemether Mindy Schwartz
William M. Cameron Chrissie Kerrigan Swail Larry Segan
Hans Carlson Bob Kessler Marc Segan
David A. Carver The David Kimmel Foundation Max Segan
The Cascades Tennis Club Paul Koontz The Aaron or Peggy Selber Foundation, Inc.
Kevin Castner Robert Kuhbach Kear Attorney Services
Trevor K. Chan & Joy C. Lin Bill Lacey Dr. Phil Shapiro
Robert Chitty Andrew D. Lacey Pam Shriver
Mark Ciarfella Quinn Landerholm Family Charity Fund Dee Silverstein
J.V. Clay Timothy D. Lane Dr. Eric Silverstein
Peter Cohane Melissa Larsen Lesley Silvester
Judy Cohen Howard Lasher The Lesley Silvester Family Foundation
Judy Collins Fred Layman III Edward C. Simmons III REV TR
Dr. Alan C. Cornet The Legacy Foundation Edward Simmons III and Jane Simmons
Tom Coulton Charitable Fund The Levine Charitable Lead Trust P.J. Simmons
Cracon, Inc. Adin Levine Daniel Siskind
Compete2Give, Inc. Linda Tuero Lindsley Neil Small
Hon. Christopher Coursen Joe Lipsick Bohn Smith
DAB Charitable Fund Bob Litwin Pershing Square Foundation
Doug Dancer Terry Long Ray Starker
Tom David Dr. Alice A. Loveys Larry Starr
Eric Davidson Gordon Lowman Susan M. Stockton
Stanford G. Davis Martha “Tica” Lowman Edward N. Stone
Andrew DeAngelis Fred B. Luddy Family Foundation, Inc. Ellen Stone
Robert Delman Bob Lutz Summit Contractors Group
Delman Family Charitable Giving Fund Tom Mackessy Karen Swenson
J. B. DeRosset Jim Marcus The Daniel M. Tabas Family Foundation
Bob Detrick William Martin, Jr. Dick Tarantino
The William and Elaine Donahue Trust Peter Marx William Tatlock
Ned Dorman Marc McClelland Peggy Theiss
Howard Dorman Bill McGowan Peter Thorp
Phyllis Dorman The McKesson Corporation Jim Timmins
George Dreher Carole McManus Total Personal Services Admin Group, LLC
Erin Dunn Alan Miller Ed Tunick
EAN Holdings, LLC Dr.Scott Miller United States Professional Tennis Association Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Robert Eden Jimmy Miller The United Way
Joseph M. Eduardo Byron Miller USO
Dick Eitel Max Mintz USPTA Foundation
Valerie Elm Courtney Moore Valencia Falls Tennis Club
Brooke Emery Richard Morton Dr. Richard Valentine
Lloyd Emmanuel George Morton George Wachtel
Enterprise Holdings Foundation Ann E. Mott Elaine Wachtel
Faigin Productions, Inc. Munson Group, LLC Frank P. Walthall, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. David Felten Ken Munson Richard Walthall
Lester Fensterheim Brad Nabers Dale R. Wang
Amy Fine Navy Federal Credit Union John Weil
Michael P. Fleming, Brigadier General USMC (ret) Network for Good Bob Weinberg
Florida Power & Light Company John Newman David Wendt
Kirk Fox John B. Newman Charitable Fund Scott West
Claudia Franklin New York Fuel Distributors, LLC R. Graham Whaling
Steve Franklin Howard Nicholson Cindy and Steve Wiebke
Dr. Jay Friedman Northstar Financial Partners Kenneth M. Wiltsek
Ira Fuchs Joan O’Byrne Wooley & Associates, Inc.
William F. Galtney, Jr. David S. Olechna Wynn Resorts Limited Employee Foundation
Nora Gay Steve Orthwein Mark Yancey
Randy Gerber Virginia F. Orthwein Aaron Zimmerman
The Ginsburg Family Foundation